Le Ver à Soie : silk thread world leader

News :

25/02/19 - What is happening in March 2019?
27/01/19 - L’aiguille en fête -March 7th until March 10th
18/09/18 - Backstage...
17/09/18 - Night of embroidery - September the 28th
28/06/18 - SUMMER BREAK
29/03/18 - cours dans notre showroom avec Le bégonia d'or
20/01/18 - Night of embroidery
03/01/18 - Activities 2018
20/09/17 - Activities 2017-2018
01/09/17 - 17th Night of Embroidery on September the 29th
29/03/17 - Exceptional closing
10/01/17 - Once upon une fois ...la soie
23/12/16 - Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!
07/09/16 - Night of embroidery - September the 30th
18/07/16 - activities 2016-2017
14/01/16 - Once upon une fois ...la soie
15/06/15 - Agenda 2015-2016
06/01/15 - Agenda 2015
02/09/14 - 11th Night of Embroidery
02/09/14 - Agenda 2014-2015

Main menu :


      Night of embroidery - September the 30th

With Nathalie Loquen from La Bastidane

All the information on http://nuitdelabroderie.over-blog.com/

Au ver à soie : coordonnées         T > +33 (1) 42 33 52 92         F > +33 (1) 42 33 14 44         M > INFO@AUVERASOIE.COM         [ FRANÇAIS ] [ ENGLISH ]